Bale Grazing, a Cow's Pantry
Better put on double socks and get your favorite blanket to read about this week in Montana.
Life on the Ranch
After all that snow and wind, it is going to get cold. 123 degrees colder than it was last summer.
Our cows are covered in black hair, some red ones, but mostly black. Up north where it gets cold, the black soaks up the sun when it shines. We have more cold days than hot, so they are overheated in the summer some, but it helps them the rest of the year to stay warm.
A test is coming up, our first below-zero spell of the winter.
We went to town today and the snow was piled as high as the barb wire fence along our dirt road, from the drifts when the wind blew last week. We are lucky the county plowed our road. A few days the mail didn't make it through.
We haven't gone anywhere for 10 days or so. I wanted to get some groceries before this next storm. We need to stock up, the pantry and freezers.
We stock up for the cows in our hay yard.
We feed the cows by rolling out hay. When it is below zero, it is hard on the hydraulic oil and hoses, besides the fact we have to keep our diesel outfits plugged in and the tractor plugged in too.
So when a cold below-zero spell is looming we: BALE GRAZE
Bale grazing is where you put out feed for the cattle for a set number of days. Kind of like opening up the hay yard to them on a limited basis.
Friday we will roll out their alfalfa, and take them enough grass bales to supply them for 4 more days. They tend to eat too much early, but they stay warm, and their bellies are not full and empty, full and empty. We do this a few times each winter and they do fine. They have grass to graze on also, but they are having to "dig" for it right now. They feel better knowing they have something to eat.
Bale grazing is less stressful on the cattle, our feed truck and tractor, and us. We mostly have to chip ice so they can drink and make sure they have mineral.
I will take a picture of their bales when we get them out.
We should be back on top of zero by Wednesday.
Hope you are planning ahead a little too. Stocking up.
Welcome to the T Bar J Ranch Roundup
Thank you to every one that signed on with the T Bar J and for showing up. Glad you are part of our ranch family.
Beef Shares and Ground Beef
We try to help folks learn how their beef is raised. How grass in the pasture turns into beef on their plate. What all-natural beef is.
We also try to emphasis how knowing where your beef comes from and how it was raised, is important to your health and the health of your family.
Not to mention how good our all-natural beef tastes.
Our beef shares come with a freezer.
This week I had a customer ask if we gave away freezers with ground beef.
That is a great question.
Right now we are into June/July delivery for beef shares. We have ground beef on hand.
So if you are wanting to stock up on ground beef, here's the deal: We can give a freezer to you with a purchase of 100lbs or 200lbs of ground beef.
That is the same number of pounds of beef in 1/4 beef share or a 1/2 beef share.
There is a limited supply though, so only 4 can take advantage of this deal. In fact, only 2 if they each got 200lbs.
100lbs Choice Ground Beef and a Freezer
We Want a Freezer and 200lbs of Choice Ground Beef
From Our Customers
This 5 star Review on our Ground Beef:
"This beef tastes wonderful, texture is great. It arrived solidly frozen and well packaged. Service is the best anyone could get. Highly recommend TbarJ ranch beef."
Lisa L.
Thank you to all our family, friends, and beef family for enjoying our beef. It makes all we do in a day worth it.