Heifer Taj Mahal
After this past week, you better just get some more socks and some flannel-lined jeans. Because this is January yet. The only good thing about that, is we made it through November and December already!
So get something warm to drink and visit the ranch for 5 minutes.
We went to town again today, The sun has melted the snow on the road but you can see what the sides look like. This snow is settled some from when the Chinook came through.
What is a Chinook?
Tuesday morning it was -10, by noon it was 30. That is because the wind was blowing 45 mph with warm air from the west. We wait for those to come through after it has been cold, like Mother Nature turned up the furnace.
Life on the Ranch
The cows did good with the bale grazing plan. And we didn't have to start the feed truck on those below 0 mornings.
We trailed them to a new pasture this morning. They were excited and have new grass to eat. We haven't grazed that pasture since before calving last spring.
The heifers think they are at an all-inclusive resort!
This is a windbreak with a roof over part of it, they have some dry barley straw to lay on. We haven't grazed this pasture since June, so they have grass to eat besides the grass hay we feed them, and they get some developer pellets every morning.
Even though the yearling heifers are bred they are still growing along with the heifer calves we just weaned, they both need the extra supplement, 1/2lb of protein each day.
The steers are wondering what happened to their hay when it gets snowed on. I have to turn it over and get the snow off, then fluff it up for them. Another couple snows and I hope they get that figured out.
Welcome to the T Bar J Ranch Roundup
Thank you to every one that signed on with the T Bar J and for showing up. Glad you are part of our ranch family.
Our ranch family is expanding with families welcoming new babies, new customers, and Kieran, our T Bar J Ranch Hammer Thrower, is competing this weekend at a meet in Bozeman at Montana State.
If you remember he is trying to get to the 2025 World Championships in the Hammer Throw. He is powered by Beef, T Bar J Ranch Beef.
He made Tater Tot Hot Dish this week in a video, I will try to get it on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Just the thing for ground beef!
Ground Beef and Beef Shares
We have ground beef offers in various sizes from 13lbs to 200lbs.
We even have ground beef that comes with a freezer!
We even have Ground Beef in stock ready to ship!
Tap on this link and it will get you to our collection page with all the offers.
We are offering bulk beef shares for those of you wanting to stock up.
These shares will be available in June in time for Bar B Q and grilling season. So you might want to look those over.
A special for all our Ranch Roundup family, Kieran has a discount code! It would be a great time to use it this weekend since he is competing, trying to earn a spot on the US team.
For 10% off your order of ground beef or a beef share: MCKEAG10 will get you there.
You will enjoy tasting the difference in all-natural beef raised on the native prairies of Montana.
And we take our beef to our family butcher ourselves, where it is dry-aged 14 days and then each animal packaged individually.
Not mixed with any others and no recalls at our butcher.
Tap below if you want a freezer with your ground beef purchase and don't forget to use the MCKEAG10 code.
100lbs Choice Ground Beef and a Freezer
We Want a Freezer and 200lbs of Choice Ground Beef