Nothing Runs like a Deere
How was your commute to work this week?
Here is ours.
As you can see traffic was light, but then it was hard to see anything so that was good.
Life on the Ranch
Still counting the days till May!!!
Still thankful for all we have been given to care for.
Still glad we have a John Deere tractor, and nothin runs like a Deere.
One day this week we got 11 inches of snow and we were in the -25 degree mornings about 3 days.
When it gets cold your approach to going outside changes.
Rather than get out about 7:30 to feed the steers in the morning like I usually do.
This week was OK, as soon as it warms up to -20 I will go out. The snow gets very crunchy at cold temps.
But I bet you would rather take my word for that then experience it in person!
There was too much snow, we have gotten 3 feet this month of February, for the feed truck, and so we are having to take the tractor to plow and feed.
The girls are always so glad to see us, it is worth all the extra effort cold weather brings along.
This is Mowana. She makes a beeline straight for Al everytime we go out and spends her time getting her back rubbed and ears scratched until we are done running water and chipping ice.
Welcome to the T Bar J Ranch Roundup
Glad you are here. Get a cup of something warm and tag along for a bit.
It is bound to get warmer and I won't have to show you all these snow pictures.
What's for Supper?
Today we had:
- Beef Stroganoff,
- curly noodles,
- Green beans,
- And sliced pears with peanutbutter for dessert.
We raise premium beef here with exceptional marbling and flavor.
I am on a mission to share a different beef dinner idea with you each week.
We are healthy eaters here, well Al doesn't have a choice since I cook, but promoting beef as part of a healthy lifestyle is what I do also.
Team Beef is a group of running ranchers with that goal, and I have been a part of that team since 2011.
So if you would like to try some ground beef to start with, we can send you some next week if you want.
We have customers that start there and then get a beef share after they experience the difference in taste for themselves.
I want to try 10 lbs of Premium Ground Beef
I want to Stock up with 20 lbs of Ground Beef
We got this 5 star review in this week from Jerry and Ginny in Colorado. That is what they did, ground beef first, then a 1/4 beef share with the freezer.
Exceptional Beef!
"First time customers here and we could not be more pleased with the quality of meat and the warm and professional customer service of Amber!
Our first tasting was the ribeye and tenderloin, a celebration dinner for our daughter returning from Air Force Officer Training School! DELICIOUS! Wish I had taken a picture of her after the first bite! Thank you TbarJ Ranch!"
We shipped 1/2 beef to Utah on Monday. Kim and Pete did the 10lbs of ground beef first, then the beef share and freezer.
Our next beef shares will be ready for BarBQ season in July.
Tap Here To See the Beef Share with a Freezer offer
Running is not the only sport we are involved in. Our very own Hammer Thrower has been busy this winter throwing a weight at indoor track meets. With all the snow around here, he said he can't find his hammer even with an orange ribbon tied on!
Here is Kieran and his "coach", Hailey at MSU in Bozeman at a track meet this week. We went with John Deere green shirts for the T Bar J Ranch team.
We will keep you up-to-date on his goal of making the US Team for World Championships. Powered by T Bar J Ranch Beef.
Take care of yourself, your family and eat some Beef along the way. It makes ranchers like us smile.