What Happens in 61 Days?
It will be May 1 in 61 days, green grass and baby calves.
That is our goal. We are working hard to get there and can hardly wait.
This was May last year, in the pasture where the cows are now.
Thought I would put this in so we had something to look at besides all the snow. We don't even have to go on vacation for a change of scenery.
Same pasture last week.
Life on the Ranch
Everyone is getting a bit stir-crazy after 2 months of snow and cold.
Our snow plow driver made us a "round about" out of snow on the road to Columbus.
The morning radio guy, Nick, said last Wednesday morning when it was so cold: "Alright, these temperatures all have a minus sign in front of them, but since we know that, I am not going to say it."
Every town was in the 20's and 30's, Sidney even hit 41 degrees. It was far better than hearing how cold it really was.
Then 2 mornings later, on Friday, it really was 25 here. 50 degrees warmer than Wednesday morning! And it felt wonderful.
All the bovines here were broadside to the sun, soaking it up.
Welcome to the T Bar J Ranch Roundup
Take off your coat, stay a while and see what is going on this week.
We are always happy to see company. Next week, bring your work gloves!
What's for Supper?
Today we had:
Tamale Pie: It is a Mexican version of shepherds pie. Sort of like chili with cheese and a cornbread crust,
Corn on the Cob,
Lettuce and spinach salad, (Al doesn't know he ate spinach),
Red Grapes for dessert.
Our ground beef has a different texture and feel to it and makes everything it is in taste better.
We delivered 20lbs of ground beef to some long-time customers in Billings this week.
They get a 1/4 beef share every June, but ran out of ground beef.
Deb said "We can't buy beef in the store anymore. It just doesn't taste good and we don't know where it came from."
That is why we have such faithful customers.
They want to know their beef didn't walk across the border from Mexico, get off a ship from South America, or come out of a feedlot where they fed it Rumensin or other antibiotics and implanted it with growth hormones so it didn't have to be on feed so long.
How animals are cared for makes a big difference in the quality of the meat and that is what sets our beef apart from the rest.
Also, our premium genetics with our crossbreeding program make for exceptional marbling, rich flavor and top-tier nutrition.
If you want to taste the difference yourself, we are offering these ground beef bundles for a limited time. And we can deliver in person or ship it right to your door.
Tap below to see the bundles of ground beef we can ship next week.
I want to try 10 lbs of Premium Ground Beef
I want to Stock up with 20 lbs of Ground Beef
We delivered 1/4 beef share to Makayla and RJ last month. They got their freezer first and then we filled it with beef.
They are all set for the winter with their new freezer stocked up.
Is your freezer stocked? That is our goal for you and your family. Healthy dinners right out of your freezer.
I was looking through the Orders for Beef Shares we will be delivering in June and July.
There are 14 families that the parents and their kids are getting beef shares. Some started with the parents and then onto their kids. Makayla and RJ are in that group.
Some started with the kids and when the parents went there for dinner, they decided they needed beef like that at their house.
We are achieving our goal of feeding families with our premium beef. Generations of families.
Maybe you should join the T-J family too. Tap below to see 1/4 and 1/2 beef shares with a freezer.
Tap Here To See the Beef Share with a Freezer offer
If you are ever frustrated with the rising cost of beef--or worse yet, not knowing where it came from.
We can solve that problem for you. We also have beef shares available without the freezer.