Burger of the Week
We are going to start right off with the good stuff!
A double-stacked masterpiece. 2 patties grilled to perfection, melted cheddar cheese, carmelized onions and juicy as all get out.
Wouldn't this be great for supper at your house?
It is time to get out the grill to create your own masterpiece.
Then, sit a minute and see what's happening these days on the T-J.
Life on the Ranch
This week the geese were going by headed north. Seems to me they are jumping the gun on spring a bit, but we will see.
The snow is about gone except for the big drifts, mud has taken it's place. Getting stuck in something is an everyday event.
So we have resorted to taking the tractor until it all dries up.
The BEST news is: I saw some green grass!
Didn't show up in a picture real well and it got snowed on that night, but it is coming.
One of our buck deer is growing up. I found his "shed" in the hay yard when I was counting bales.
The deer show up when the snow is deep. They aren't around otherwise, but this last month tested everyone.
He is growing bigger antlers. We find these in the pastures by fence posts and gate posts. Whatever the bucks can rub on.
What's for Supper?
It is going to be a warm weekend here, T-J hamburgers hot off the grill are so good. That is where we are headed. Sunday there will be an extra hour of sun at suppertime, so use it wisely.
This is the weekend we "spring ahead", like it or not. While you are at it, sleep fast Saturday night, because you are getting shorted an hour there.
Beef Shares and Ground Beef
This week I was at Costco and I always go by the beef section, just to look.
2 women were there, 1 buying ribeye steaks for a special dinner with 2 other couples. She needed 6 steaks and her husband likes thick ones.
The other gal was getting 2 roasts.
They were discussing what they came for and the price.
I really wanted to hand them a T-J business card and tell them there was a better option than shopping for meals one at a time. But I didn't think that was appropriate. Our beef shares won't be available until summer, so I couldn't help them that day.
The steak wife left with 6 steaks that were going to cost her more than $120. The roast gal got 2 roasts at a price of $105.
It pains me to see what they are paying, and that they don't have any idea where that beef came from or how it was raised. It says USDA on it, but any animal that gets to the US and goes through a plant here gets that label. Costco beef comes in on trucks for them to cut up, but Costco couldn't tell you where each animal came from, they don't know either.
The American consumer is not getting the best America has to offer. More than half of our beef is imported and our own feedlot cattle are implanted with growth hormones at least 2 times.
You need to find a rancher that shares your same values.
Stocking up and having a freezer full of beef you can trace back to it's birth, saves you trips to the store and money in the long run. Besides giving you a clear conscience on how healthy your beef is, and it tastes better than you ever imagined it would.
Those of you already planning ahead and have your beef share reserved are in a good place. Your steers are happy, healthy and growing. You have a safe supply of beef coming and it will be more economical in the long run. It is an investment in your health and your families.
We know their parents. Raised their mother from a calf and we buy our bulls with traits in mind that matter to our beef business, marbling, rib eye area, tenderness and docility.
It is another family operation that raises the bulls we buy. You are in good hands and your beef share will get to you starting in June and into July. The shares we still have are looking at July delivery.
Tap the button below if you want more information on a beef share. I included the 1/4 beef share with a freezer. Be sure and read the reviews. Folks are happy to have everything show up at their door. If you have got a freezer, Legacy Pricing shares are just beef, no freezer. Look for them on our website shop page.
I also put in a button for Ground Beef. We have that in stock and it could be at your house next week for a weekend Bar B Q.
Tap here for 1/4 beef share that comes with a FREE freezer
I want to try 10 lbs of Premium Ground Beef
Last week we got some emails wondering on the parading pigs.
In July, at our county 4-H fair, we buy pigs the 4-H kids raise at home. We don't have pigs on our place, but these are all raised in a family environment, not a pig facility.
The pigs are all-natural, the same as our beef.
Stillwater Packing does the butchering and packaging for us, same as our beef.
All the curing is organic, no nitrates used here. Hams steaks, bacon and the much loved cottage bacon.
The mRNA vaccines for swine flu are not needed since these pigs are raised in very small groups and out in the clean Montana air.
More information on pigs next week, but there will be a discount for those of you getting a pork share, after a beef share.
Our phone number on the ranch: 406-669-3193
If you have any questions, call or email. We would love to hear from you.
Remember too we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. It is important to us, everyone that gets beef, or pork, is very satisfied. I will be calling to check up on you.
Shipping is free or we do deliver ourselves to those in our neighborhood.