Dinner Options
We are hoping you are adjusted to the time change. We are hoping it has been warm at your place. We are hoping you used your grill or smoker this week.
Al grilled us hamburgers yesterday. Sure makes it seem like winter is over and spring is close by.
Glad you are here. Take a break and see how a week of "spring" went on the T-J. It is short lived, since tonight we are expecting more snow.
Life on the Ranch
3 weeks ago we had over 3 feet of snow.
This week, Fritzie found her red ball, her blue ball, and her green frisbee.
We are still missing a shovel, but are thinking it will show up soon when all the snow is gone.
Take a look at this. The heifers getting their breakfast, and you can actually see grass, and we are not stuck in the snow or the mud.
It has been a whole week since I had the feed truck stuck.
The deer are also enjoying the weather.
We woke this bunch up this morning when we headed out to the heifers.
What's for Supper?
Well the heifers are eating breakfast, what are you having for supper?
A freezer full of beef gives you lots of options.
I read this week, the average "dinner-maker" spends 5 hours a week shopping for food. Some people must go to the grocery store every day.
That is 260 hours a year shopping for meals.
Think of all the time you could use better, if you had a freezer full of beef.
Time to spend with your family and things you enjoy doing. Not walking up and down the store aisles and waiting in the checkout line.
Beef Shares and Ground Beef
So, with that in mind, we are recommending our all-natural beef. We are so sure you will be happy with the beef we raise, we offer you a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
You will realize it is not your ordinary beef.
We aim to be a cut above the rest in everything we do here, and hope you can see our integrity and character shine through.
As ranchers, caring for our cattle and our grass are the first 2 things on our list. Running the vacuum around the house is farther down my list and not on Al's at all!
You are next on the list and how we can serve you better.
more variety of beef cuts?
making sure you have a freezer to store your beef in if you need one?
delivering beef to you?
offering recipes?
using the whole animal, if you want liver or oxtail?
saving the fat for you to use to make tallow with?
sharing our ranch honey from the bees?
letting you know each week what's going on at the ranch?
sharing what we have and what we know with you?
The question is how much beef do you need in your freezer, and how can we help you get it? You just need to say Yes.
Tap the button below if you want more information on a beef share. I included the 1/4 beef share with a freezer. Be sure and read the reviews. Folks are happy to have everything show up at their door. If you have got a freezer, Legacy Pricing shares are just beef, no freezer. Look for them on our website shop page.
I also put in a button for Ground Beef. We have that in stock and it could be at your house next week for a weekend Bar B Q.
Tap here for 1/4 beef share that comes with a FREE freezer
I want to try 10 lbs of Premium Ground Beef
Pig Parade
We are getting ready to open deposits on pork shares March 28th.
Since we are a family here at T-J Ranch, we will open deposits a day or 2 early for our beef customers to get some pork and get it with a discount. So be watching for that email.
This week I was talking with Jessica. They get a 1/4 beef each year and they are excited for the pigs again. Jessica and Tanner got 1/2 a pig last fall and said they didn't realize they liked pork chops so much. They have been grilling the pork chops with a seasoning they found and are loving them.
How about a freezer full of beef and pork?
Our phone number on the ranch: 406-669-3193
Call if you have any questions. About pig shares or beef shares?
Pig shares will be 1/2 and whole pigs. 1/2 is 50lbs and a whole pig 100lbs.
Beef shares coming in late June and July. Pork shares coming in late August and September.
Happy St. Pat's Day to all of you Irishmen.